JKHF Minutes


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JKHF Gifts are Tax Deducible.


Our Publication Local Purchase Locations:

Colter's Creek Winery

308 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Juliaetta Market

1051 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Red Cross Pharmacy

509 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


Simple Joys

Antiques & Gifts

609 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


...and BOOK, too!

918 6th Street

Clarkston, Wash.


Sharon Harris

JKHF President

(208) 289-4622




P.O. Box 37

Kendrick, ID 83537





MEETING Details:

Day/Time: 2nd Saturday of each Month.  We gather at the museum beginning at 9:00 am to work on museum and archival needs until noon then over a "brown bag" lunch we will conduct our meeting with the museum/research center opening from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  Any time prior to lunch that you can give will help organizational efforts tremendously as many hands accomplishes lots.

Location:  2nd Floor Level in the Kendrick Fraternal Temple (Grange) Building (614 East Main Street) in Kendrick Idaho. 

Meeting MINUTES: -- The last one listed will not be the approved copy.  I will attempt to have the latest minutes posted within 2 weeks of the meeting.




 History shows us Who we Were, Who we Are, and Who we may Become.