October 16, 2014


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JKHF Gifts are Tax Deducible.


Our Publication Local Purchase Locations:

Colter's Creek Winery

308 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Juliaetta Market

1051 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Red Cross Pharmacy

509 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


Simple Joys

Antiques & Gifts

609 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


...and BOOK, too!

918 6th Street

Clarkston, Wash.


Sharon Harris

JKHF President

(208) 289-4622




P.O. Box 37

Kendrick, ID 83537





General Meeting Minutes

Kendrick Grange  -  Thursday, October 16, 2014 3:30 p.m.

Executive Board Members Present: Sharon Harris - President, Chris Kowrach Treasure, and Jan Patterson Secretary

Executive Board Members Absent: Milt Patterson – past president and Richard Abram-vice president

Others Present: Loeda Reil

  1. Sharon called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
  2. The minutes of July 17, 2014 meeting were accepted as written.
  3. The treasurer reported that there is a total balance of $15,677.93 in our accounts.
  4. Committee Reports:
  1. Sharon reported on publication sales Southwick book-3, Leland book-4, Letters from the Front-3, DVD- 2 and Historical tour 3 copies have been sold in the last few months.
  2. Chris reported on an average of 44 people a day visit the JKHF web site.
  3. Sharon reported that last week over 2,000 people have visited us on face book.
  4. Juliaetta Historical tour project is coming together slowly; we hope to have it finished by Christmas.
  5. Kendrick-Juliaetta Newspaper digitization project will be up and running by Dec. 15th.
  6. Chris reported on the Fraternal Temple brick and roof project. Chris reported that around 75% of the brick work is finished and that the roof has been cleaned and repaired.
  7. Displays are starting to come together in the JKHF museum. Chris will be working on organizing the display area.
  8. Chris discussed specific items that she will be writing grants for the coming year.
  9. Sharon reported on the donation of the organ and that we are receiving more donations for the museum every week.
  1. Old Business:
    1. Sharon reported on the field trip in September to Anoka ghost town.
  2. New Business:

  1. Chris reported that we need to send out the annual news and dues letter. Sharon and Chris will be working on this project.

  2. It was decided to donate the book Letters from the Front to the LCHS annual dinner and fundraiser. Jan will take our donation to LCHS at their next board meeting.

  3. Everyone discussed assigning jobs for students to do on Friday, October 17 for Community Service day.

  4. Chris informed us she will be working with Jamie Britton a Kendrick High School student who has volunteered to work for the JKHF.
  1. Next Meeting: Will be scheduled for Thursday November 20, 2014 at 3:30 p.m. at the Kendrick Grange.
  2. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Jan Patterson, Secretary

 History shows us Who we Were, Who we Are, and Who we may Become.