June 13, 2013


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JKHF Gifts are Tax Deducible.


Our Publication Local Purchase Locations:

Colter's Creek Winery

308 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Juliaetta Market

1051 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Red Cross Pharmacy

509 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


Simple Joys

Antiques & Gifts

609 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


...and BOOK, too!

918 6th Street

Clarkston, Wash.


Sharon Harris

JKHF President

(208) 289-4622




P.O. Box 37

Kendrick, ID 83537





General Meeting Minutes

Kendrick Grange

Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:30 p.m.

Executive Board Members Present: Sharon Harris - President, Richard Abrams – vice president, and Jan Patterson - Secretary

Executive Board Members Absent: Milt Patterson – past president, Chris Kowrach-treasure

Others Present: Loeda Reil

1.      Sharon called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.

 2.      The minutes of April 18, 2013 meeting were accepted as written.

 3.      The treasurer reported that there is a total balance of $12,228.00 in our accounts.

 4.      Committee Reports:

a.)   Publications Committee reported that we sold 124 copies of the Southwick book, 18 copies of the Leland book, and 36 copies of the DVD.  

b.)    Brick work on the Fraternal Temple is scheduled to start phase 2 in the middle of June. We discussed and a motion was made and approved to use additional funds if needed to finish phase 2 of the brick work.

c.)   On the K-J Historical tour project Richard reported that all the signage for the historical homes and businesses in Kendrick is completed.  Sharon also reported that the publication of the booklet for the historical homes and businesses will be going to the printer in a few days.  We voted and approved to print 250 copies of the booklet at this time.

d.)   On the JKHF “home” project we voted on and approved naming the work room in memory of Arlene (Deobald) Watts Wallace.

5.      Old Business:

a.)   Locust Blossom Festival (May 25) we reported on great sales of books and DVD’s.

6.    New Business:

a.)   Richard will arrange to pick-up the free slide projector from the city of Jerome.

b.)   We discussed to place the Kendrick digital frame display in the new Corner Café, Richard will talk to the owners. Jan will take the Juliaetta digital frame to Colter’s Creek Wine shop in Juliaetta.

c.)   Richard will pick-up the display box from the Juliaetta community library in the next few weeks.

d.)   Sharon will work on articles for the Latah Legacy and for the local newsletter.

7.       Other Business:

 8.      Next Meeting: Will be on Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 3:30 at the Fraternal Temple.

9.      The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.

            Jan Patterson, Secretary

 History shows us Who we Were, Who we Are, and Who we may Become.