March 7, 2015


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JKHF Gifts are Tax Deducible.


Our Publication Local Purchase Locations:

Colter's Creek Winery

308 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Juliaetta Market

1051 Main St.

Juliaetta, Idaho


Red Cross Pharmacy

509 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


Simple Joys

Antiques & Gifts

609 E. Main

Kendrick, Idaho


...and BOOK, too!

918 6th Street

Clarkston, Wash.


Sharon Harris

JKHF President

(208) 289-4622



P.O. Box 37

Kendrick, ID 83537




General Meeting Minutes

Kendrick Grange

Saturday, March 7, 2015 1:00 p.m.


Executive Board Members Present: Sharon Harris - President, Chris Kowrach Treasurer, and Jan Patterson Secretary

Executive Board Members Absent: Richard Abrams-vice president

Others Present: Loeda Reil and Mark Mustoe

1.     Sharon called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 

2.     The minutes of the February 19, 2015 meeting were accepted as written. 

3.     The treasurer reported that there is a total balance of $18,624.18 in our accounts. 

4.     Committee Reports:

a.)   Publications Committee reported that we sold only a few books in the past few weeks.

b.)  Sharon reported that our face book usage runs around 500 viewers per week.

c.)   On our publication project Sharon reported that the Tramway book has been started.

d.)  Chris reported that the web site usage has been highest yet at 117 visits per day.

e.)   The museum has received a few new donations in the past few weeks.

f.)    Chris reported that the galley panel legs have been fabricated by the Kendrick High School Ag Dept. 

5.     Old Business:

a.)   Sharon reported on the plans for the opening of the JKHF Museum. We discussed the invitations that we will mail. We also discussed the needs to be done before the opening.

b.)  Chris is shopping around for insurance coverage for the grange building.

c.)   Jan reported on her audit of the JKHF books that everything looks great. 

6.     New Business:

a.)   Mark Mustoe discussed the Yak and Snack event that will be in Southwick on Saturday March 14th.

b.)  Chris gave a tutorial on using the portable scanner. 

7.     Next Meeting: Will be on Saturday April 11, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. — a work session on the museum from 9 to 12:00 at the Fraternal Temple.

8.     The meeting adjourned at 2:11 p.m.

            Jan Patterson, Secretary

 History shows us Who we Were, Who we Are, and Who we may Become.